Ace the Google Cloud Certified Associate Engineer Exam 2024 – Skyrocket Your Cloud Skills!

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Question: 1 / 50

What is the command used to copy files to and from Cloud Storage in Google Cloud Platform?

`kubectl create secret`

`kubectl get deployments`

`gsutil cp`

The other options are incorrect because A: `kubectl create secret` is used to create a secret object in Kubernetes, which is a different service than Cloud Storage. This command is not relevant for copying files to and from Cloud Storage. B: `kubectl get deployments` is used to view existing deployments in Kubernetes, which is not the service used for Cloud Storage. This command is not relevant for copying files to and from Cloud Storage. D: Deployment manager is a service used for managing and automating infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform, it does not directly handle file transfers to and from Cloud Storage. This option is not relevant for the given question.

Deployment manager


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